Important LinkedIn Features For B2B Marketing | FatBuzz

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Important LinkedIn Features for B2B Marketing

If you’re a business that provides goods or services to other businesses, marketing on LinkedIn will be your bread-and-butter. You might also use Twitter and YouTube, possibly Facebook, but many other major platforms won’t be as much of a help, so it’s important that you’re using LinkedIn to its full extent.

If you’re using LinkedIn for your B2B marketing (and you should be) here’s a list of major LinkedIn features you should be taking advantage of:

Make sure you’re posting regular Content

LinkedIn has a variety of content types that you can work with, but mainly companies will use a post with some sort of media attached or possibly long-form articles. It’s important to update one or both of these regularly so that prospective clients who look up the company can see that it’s active.

For your standard organic posts, you might write about industry news, company or staff updates, and information about products. Meanwhile, articles are longer content that might be more like a blog post or a thought leadership piece.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn feeds work a little differently than other social media: If you like a post, your connections might also see that post (and that you liked it) in their feeds. So organic content on LinkedIn can have a longer shelf life than organic content on other platforms.

Run some Ads to expand your Reach

Okay, we *did* just say that organic content is important and can have a good reach on LinkedIn, but if you’re looking to build your followers, ads will be a faster and more efficient way to do it. Organic is still important, but augmenting it with paid content can really help.

There’re two main kinds of ads on LinkedIn:

  • InMail: These are great for long-form written content such as a sales pitch or reaching new clients.
  • Sponsored Content: Visual media ads/products

Getting at least one of these going will help open you up to an entirely new audience that you probably weren’t reaching before.

Make the most of your Company Page

First off, make sure all the profile sections are filled out fully. A fully filled-out profile and regular content make you look reliable, but there are a few extra things that you can be doing from your company page.

One of the newer features is community hashtags. You can choose three hashtags that your business page can interact with – commenting, reacting, and sharing posts that use those hashtags. This gives your business a great chance to engage in relevant industry discussions and boost awareness of your brand.

LinkedIn also offers showcase pages which are sort of sub-pages under your main company page. If you have certain brands, initiatives, services, or teams that you wish to highlight better and release unique content for, these can be a helpful way to target audiences better.

Another helpful tool you may not have known about is the ability to notify employees of new posts on your page. If you’re viewing the company page as an admin, you’ll see this option available to you. Letting employees know that there’s a new post encourages them to engage with it when they might not have realised there was new content otherwise.

Encourage Employees To Get Involved

Following on from the ‘notify employees’ function, be sure to use your best asset: your employees! Making sure all your employees follow the company and list it in their experience is a great first step and encouraging them to engage with the page are the basics of employee engagement on LinkedIn.

However, there’s even more that your employees can help with. While companies can’t join groups, individuals can. Having some of the top-level executives participate in conversations happening in groups related to the industry can help build your company profile as well.

You might also want to help your managers put out thought leadership articles as they can build awareness for your company and make it look like an industry leader that employs extremely knowledgeable professionals.

fatBuzz offers LinkedIn training that can help employees of all levels know how to make the most of their profiles and network better. Consider registering your team for our training session!

If you need help with B2B marketing – whether it’s content creation, ads or any other marketing service, the team at fatBuzz is here to help. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for B2B business, so it’s important that you make the most of it!

Get in touch with us today to enquire about our marketing services.