A Linkedin Social Selling Index Challenge | FatBuzz

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A Linkedin Social Selling Index Challenge

Many may not be aware of this LinkedIn tool; the Social Selling Index (SSI) which is available free to every LinkedIn user and provides detailed insights on your online performance.

What is the SSI and why is it valuable?

Your Social Selling Index (SSI) is a personal score indicating and detailing the areas in which you perform well on LinkedIn from a social aspect, and highlights the areas where you might need improvement. The index is divided in four categories as follows:

  • Establish your professional brand
  • Find the right people
  • Engage with insights
  • Build relationships

The SSI is updated daily, and you can see an evolution graph to get an idea of your overall progress, The scoring chart is the important part; it shows your score for each of the four categories above and highlights where you can improve.

A less important feature is the comparison which shows your score and the average score for your industry.  In our case, our SSI shows the average in the Marketing and Advertising industry. It also shows the average score of the people in your network and tells you where you rank within these two categories.  We say it is less important because this is not a game; where you rank is less important than your personal SSI score. In short, the higher your SSI score, the better you are using LinkedIn for social selling.

#fatBuzzSSI : How to improve your score

Clicking on each of the four category descriptions opens a simple explanation of how to improve in each category, the explanation provides you with recommendations to help you improve your score.

We want to hear about your progress!

We are excited to start the #fatBuzzSSI challenge and we encourage everyone from all industries to participate. The aim of the challenge is to help you understand how activities affect how effective you are at maintaining rapport and building relationships this way.

The challenge is simple:

  • Find your current SSI here : https://www.linkedin.com/sales/ssi
  • Take a screenshot of your SSI from today, or on the day you decide to take on the challenge, to save your starting point
  • Use and apply LinkedIn’s recommendations on how to improve your score
  • Monitor your SSI score on a daily basis and compare your overall score, and your score in each of the four categories to see where you have improved
  • Remember to take screenshots of your SSI at different stages to have a visual record of the evolution
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We’d love to hear how you’re getting on, so if you feel inclined to share your screenshots please use the #fatBuzzSSI as a hashtag in your post on LinkedIn!