Video - It's In The Palm Of Your Hand - May New Media Breakfast | FatBuzz

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Video – It’s in the palm of your hand – May New Media Breakfast


Video – It’s in the palm of your hands

DATE: 27th May 2016

TIME: 7.30am for 8am

VENUE: 29 Member’s Club, Royal Excahnge Square, Glasgow

Video is becoming one of the most effective and powerful forms of communication, and everyone has it in the palm of their hands to embrace video and make it work effectively for them. It is now within everyone’s grasp to capture, edit and publish compelling content and to get it in front of relevant audiences.

It’s a long time since YouTube were the only players in town.  Facebook is making no secret of its ambition to take on YouTube, indeed they have recently announced the plan to invest a significant amount in their new Facebook Live service that enables live stream video – now available on business pages as well as personal profiles.

Twitter is also pushing along with its Periscope live streaming service and will continue to improve what is already a powerful and effective tool, and Meerkat will soon announce its new model.

LinkedIn is also moving very much towards video content, then there’s Vine, Instagram and some others focusing on video, so it’s not hard to see that this medium will be an important part of the marking toolkit in the future.  Indeed, Facebook has already indicated that Facebook Live is getting priority in the Facebook Newsfeed, so marketers should already be utilising it to take advantage of their most recent algorithm tweak.

Of course, YouTube continues to be a major player, but other platforms like Vimeo are also important considerations, and doubtless there will be new players with niche services that also need to be considered.

The May New Media Breakfast will look at what’s happening with video, in particular the type of video that is easily accessible to everyone.  We will take a look at what’s new and provide examples of how simple video content can produce powerful and compelling results.


If you would like some ideas about how video can get your message out to your audience, you should attend the May New Media Breakfast.


The breakfast session will be presented by Gordon White and perhaps other members of the fatBuzz team. You can view Gordon’s profile here.


Venue: 29 Member’s Club, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow

Date: Friday 27th May 2016

Time: 7.30am for 8am

Cost: £10+VAT


If you are a 29 Member you can attend the breakfast free of charge. Please email with you membership number and she will add you to the attendance list.

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day.


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